
The sale
of a Bleugras puppy is only the beginning of our commitment to offer a
lifetime of "tech" support to you and your new family member! We not
only care about the dogs we breed and raise and show, but we care about
YOU and the very special Bleugras puppy you take home. With a lifetime
of breeding and showing experience behind us, we offer this support and
guidance to you for the experience of a lifetime!
Whether it's just one of the thousands of questions new owners my
have–from feeding, health, behavior, grooming and training--to what do
we do at our first show… and what do all those numbers and points and
classes mean?–we are here to help you. Even if you just want to share
your excitement and happiness in a special moment your puppy has given
you–contact us! We would not only love to see it–we have a special
place on our website to share these pictures with the world. Bleugras
is here for you for the lifetime of your dog because we believe in our
dogs and the lucky people who own one.
Bleugras German Shorthaired Pointers were honored to be cited as
superior examples of the GSP breed in C. Bede Maxwell's excellent and
definitive reference book, THE COMPLETE GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER, pp.
304-308, p. 111, copyright 1982, Howell Book House. Bleugras dogs are
still winning and the Bleugras line is the foundation blood in many of
today's Top Dogs that do not carry the Bleugras name. It is with pride
that we offer Stud Services to our Champions so that you, too, can own
a true "bleu-blood". Frozen semen is also available from selected
Champions to provide you with the opportunity to connect with the
Although we are not a boarding facility to the public, we do provide
homelike boarding for dogs that we have sold during your vacation times.