Airline Adventure
...and it only took....aaaaaarrrrrrgh!!
GCH Bleugras
Rock On!
Bleugras Smokey Mtn Reign & Ch Bleugras Sweeter Than Wine) |
BIG SHOW", AKC/EUKANUBA INVITATIONAL is over - And here we are - John
Wayne Airport, Anaheim, CA - 6 of us - 4 dogs in big crates - tickets
to O'Hare Field Chicago, and...YOU SAY WHAT?!?!
you can fly - you can't fly - it's too
cold to fly the dogs - your
paperwork is not worded right - vet needs to fax new stuff from
- it's not too cold
to fly the dogs -
you're going to Dallas, TX - some of you (Bob, Patty, Michelle, Kayla)
going to Chicago, without dogs - Chris, Eve, 4 dogs stay behind
- you're not
going to Dallas, TX - planes are too small - you are going to LAX -
shuttle too
small - shuttle not too small - move back seat - take crate apart - dog
sits on
lap -$120 later LAX - you're going to St Louis -
no....maybe not ...oh, there go the
dogs in crates up the belt!
are going to St Louis - midnight - in
St Louis - Patty went to Chicago - driving down SOUTH to St Louis 400
miles (she
lives SOUTH of St Louis) to pick us up - oh you can't park there, you
have a bomb - no!! we
have dogs - we
have to run back and forth to get them loaded - too bad - you have to
@#%$@#%%% - middle
of the night - get
the dogs loaded - cold cold cold - driving back NORTH to Springfield,
IL 150
miles - everyone sick - dogs fine though - get motel rooms - Bob went
from John Wayne - then North to Milwaukee - then south to Springfield
the next
day - Patty goes home South of St Louis - we load dogs in van (me,
Chris, Bob)
and head out to Franksville -
& Kayla (part of the Chicago group) drive the hour down to our
house to
retrieve Vogue - and here we are!!!
fun, fun!!! :-)