Li’l’s Story
Tiny Beginnings
Born: 4/17/2009
Weight: 3 ounces!!!
Sire: Ch Bleugras
Don’t Think Twice
Dam: Ch Bleugras
Sweeter Than Wine
was—looking like she was wearing a teeny-tiny
little “hoodie”, and fitting all curled up in the
palm of my hand. She
was strong and determined and took to my
feeding her along with her Mom (when I moved all the brothers and
sisters away
from a teat!). Such
a little bit of a
thing she was!! So of
course I named her
“Li’l”! And
just look at those
markings!! I
hadn’t seen a GSP marked
like that since 1973 – my beautiful Ch Bleugras Music
Makin’ Molly! Yep,
there she was, all liver and white and
not exactly what you are wishing for in a future show dog!
little to get her
tail docked with the others at 2 days
old, Li’l had to wait until she was 2 WEEKS OLD and as big
then as a
newborn!! Li’l
thrived and grew – but
still only a third the size of her littermates at 8 weeks of age!
the center of
attention, when
Li’l entered a room if you did not acknowledge
her presence, she would strut around and “rooo” at
you until being properly
addressed!!! (Which
she still does to
this day!!)
8 weeks of age, while
Lil’s brothers and sisters were
going to their new homes, Li’l had already found her place
deep within my heart
and I kept her — markings and all!!!
October 17,
2009 Li’l’s
6 Month
Li’l’s first real Dog Show in Springfield, Illinois
– a major entry – and Li’l won Winners
Bitch for a 3-pt Major!!! An
astute judge who could see beyond the
unique coloration of the beautiful “Li’l”
to what “lies beneath”!!!
Illusions - You See WHAT?
judges see
Li’l as “too little” – but she
is a whopping
22 1/2” !! Perfectly within the GSP Standard!
She is balance personified with gorgeous neck
flowing into lovely smooth
laid-back shoulders. She
is perfectly
sound coming and going (just look at that pure white ticking on her
hocks!) –
and breathtaking on her ground covering side movement!
Proper tailset and perfect carriage! Yes, Folks,
she’s got it ALL!
May 13, 2010
met 114
of the best young GSPs Nationwide, Canada,
and Mexico
at the National competition in Gainesville, Florida. Our judge was the highly
respected breeder in
her own right and National GSPCA Breed Education chair, an expert at
interpreting the Standard and instructing newly aspiring judges, Ms.
Titus. Ms. Titus chose BLEUGRAS
LI’L PINK CADILLAC, who in her
opinion best personified the GSP Standard as “the Best of the
Best”, and
awarded her BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES 2010! Handling
Li’l ,
was the young “Rising Star”, Ms. Kayla Rost,
who later that week went on to win NATIONAL GSPCA BEST JUNIOR HANDLER

P.S. LI’L has been
used in GSP Education Seminars and Slideshows !